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  • Was your scriber macer 100/100/25? I've seen you mention it while I've been looking for a template to play. So I made one during the last x2 xp weekend.
    I not sure if did my post correctly. Trying to post my return to the the guild. Can you let me know.
    What are you wanting to do?
    White Rum
    White Rum
    Just trying to letting my guild mates know that I'm back in town.

    Since you are a experience player i gona aske if you have any mining and lumberjack macro that you can share. I am searching for some time in the forum but i could find any that works!

    thank you.
    I don't have a pre-written macro, but in UOSteam, I believe you need to use the item (axe or pickaxe) then use targettileoffset. This is because when you mine, you are targeting a floor tile (even though it looks like you are targeting a tree or mountain side.
    Hi, I had a military commitment to take care of and I can't remember my password. I am trying to get logged in cause I need to refresh my house before it's too late. what can I do?
    Is there a reason I could connect the other day just fine, but today it wont even go to "Verifying Account"? Switching hosts again? :/ *sigh*
    What client are you using?
    Hey Halygon, was wondering if you can give me a good template for a LJ/alchy and Poison/Alchy dexxer that also has some decent magery for survival. Thanks!
    There's really no way to do it without some sort of sacrifice. The most common method is to drop Anat & Healing down a bit and maybe some resist. The amounts you drop those would depend upon how much of each skill you are willing to lose. There is no best build here because each are strong/weak in their own ways. Also, you need the extra 20 skill points from a 120 power scroll to make any uoforever build possible.
    Well I was thinking
    100x fence(or should I do swords?)
    magic resist
    80 alchemy
    90 poison
    50 magery

    And carry around magic reflects, does this seem doable? my other option is to go down to 70 or 80 poison? But I'm curious if 50 magery is enough. Maybe do like a 100 90 35 stats too.
    Both Fencing & Swords are doable. Swords gets a bigger varity and a slightly faster weapon (Kat).

    If you drop below 90ish poisoning, you cannot DP you own blades. If you are using a different type of poison, then cool. Also lower poisoning means a lower chance to inflict.
    How can i setup UO on win XP? I cant update win. framework 4.5.2 on XP... Please help.
    There's really not much that can be done here due to the fact that WinXP has already hit end of life a couple years back and is no longer supported by software companies.

    If anyone has found work-arounds for this, I have not heard of it.
    Bought a new Macbook Pro with OS El Capitan...How do I get UOF to run on it?? Please direct me into the right direction. Thank you in advance!
    hi um can you give me a guide on how to download the game cause i forgot and im doing it on a new computer
    Hello, I'm currently on vacation in seattle. I live in portland, or. Is it ok to log into my account here to continue macroing?
    Hi! I have a doubt about parrying! How the skills works in this shard? Raises the blocks chance or just raise the AR?
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