Skye Wolfbane
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  • Hello,
    Where would I be able to get info about this years zombieland event like awards and things?
    Hello Skye was an old vet player from launch way back when, I think late 80's if my mind is still working right. Im a smith by trade but have a toon that can melee as well. was looking to get into the game more and already know it takes a large family to make it out here. I am interested in possibly joining you all let me know what the details are.
    thx and have a good new years.
    hello ms enquiring as to whether trincic guild is accepting new friend and i would like to expand what we do in uof and that requires we be part of a larger guild(our guild has 3 members atm.we each have a complete array of characters,even a couple of fledgling tamers.we are both adults(some might say ancient) and play daily.i would appreciate a response at your convenience
    Was wondering if you guys support pirating ? just wondering since I was just sunk by a Trin member for fishing wasnt unattended, figure I would ask is all.
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    Do you want the RP answer or real answer? It's part of the game my friend (non rp answer). Our "privateers" often scan the waters for those profiting who are not citizens of Trinsic and block our trade at the docks (that's the RP answer).
    No problem was just wondering, seems a bit far but what are your dedicated charted trade routes? Wanna see if they conform upto the area I was sunk,(more NE of moonglow by southern/eastern Hythloth dungeon. RP question)> And yes i know it is part of the game, was just questioning if it is allowed in your guild.Lastly, I wasn't sure if they were hunting Macroer's etc.
    I know it is part of the game, stings a bit when losing stuff since i am solo, but it is what it is. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!.
    Hi Skye, I spent some time earlier today hanging out with Frito, he helped me out with some things as I am getting reacquainted with UO after having been away for many years (I used to play the original release back in the 90's)he said you guys were all pretty cool. My characters are "Loofa" and "King Richard" look forward to hearing back from ya! Thanks =)
    Hail fair people of Trinsic

    i would like to join your guild if spots are open ?

    p.s can we change char names in uof as the char i would like to join is chapstix .

    thanks team
    Yo, hmu on skype, Panchoo529. I'd like to talk about joining Trin. I was in it a year ago, but havent been on since.
    Hey Skye , its Shy its been awhile...So anyway Here is my Skype ,actually pm me for it :).it is not on all the time and mostly as I do my homework at night. I get home from my last classes around -6:30 pst. I would like to chat and catch up if you have time.
    Hey Skye. I used to roleplay in your guild a long time ago. I'm not sure if you remember who Beep Imma Jeep was... but anyway.

    I'm returning with a couple of friends who are super interested in the roleplay community here, on UOF. I was wondering if we came in with a guild based out of a city to roleplay with your guild, and make things a bit more lively on here?
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    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    I'm not sure if you're asking me or telling But that would be great if you came back and made another city guild. We'd love to have more interaction.
    Is the Roleplay community still pretty active?
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    Meh. There's some great rpers but it's a pretty small group. We have many who enjoy some lite rp. However, there aren't many other rp guilds so it gets stagnant. The orcs have returned recently but much of the rp with them is fighting, which is fun too. People come and get disheartened that there isn't a big RP community but if more people stayed and stuck it out and committed it could grow nicely I believe.
    Skye i cant seem to figure out a personal message I was wondering if i could chat with u a bit to pick your brain thanks
    Will the Carver's new story end with a server event/invasion? I started after the first sighting and killing of the carver and the story thus far has been amazing. It's the first post I check everyday. It's actually the video that brought me to the server when my brother told me to check out UOF. Thanks
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    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    I can't honestly say how his story will end at this time. Depends on the author/player. But that would be a great idea if the Admins would allow it. And that's great the video brought you here! Have you considered joining Trin?
    Currently I'm with Synergy and really enjoy the group I play with, but if I ever do decide to venture into RP again(Used to do it when I first started on OSI) then I will be looking your way for sure. I think it's awesome and really look forward to how it ends. Though something tells me the next post by Marax is going to be bad bad bad lol.

    Here's to hoping you got to the carver and that ash isn't the treat
    I like how peope pull the "freedon of speech' card to say whatever they want. It's UOF, not USA.
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    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    Sure..but this is a game and a shard and the King is Shane. You aren't protected under our Bill of Rights or Constitution here. That said, if that was you who made the comment, pretty shitty Tom. And I get you may not understand why. It's one thing to call someone a moron. There's people playing who might have lost family members in those attacks. It's just about being a decent person.
    Tom the Immortal
    Tom the Immortal
    K, i will admit i feel pretty shitty about that. But its too late already anyways , right : )
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    Nah. Never too late. Stop
    .... I thought pvp was fine? It seems fine for others?

    I have followed the rules you gave me quite well respectfully.
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    WHen threads get 10+ pages, it gets boring and that thread became a fight between you and Brom and who both said "fine bye." To keep things "fresh" better to have new threads. You weren't warned or anything. Just time to move into a new bashing.
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    And I've locked a few threads for same reasons. Just do that once in awhile to keep them moving along. Wasn't personal. Just cleaning house.
    Dearest Skye. Please delete the team fattson recruitment thread. I'd like to make another one.
    Thank you, Skye :)
    Skye Wolfbane
    Skye Wolfbane
    Butter me UP..there was an UP suppose to be there...=/. I can't type. And you're very welcome.
    As the most adorable fat on uof, I assure you that I have plenty of butter. 4k bars. Butter for days!
    Anyone trying to reach me on Skype, put Trin or UOF in the request, otherwise it may be deleted. I've had a ton of spam requests lately.
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