Tuesday at 12:41 AM #1 B Biriel Neophyte Hi peeps, I just started alchemy and i'm wondering where I can sell my pots ? The alchemist npc in Britain doesn't want them ...
Hi peeps, I just started alchemy and i'm wondering where I can sell my pots ? The alchemist npc in Britain doesn't want them ...
Wednesday at 7:20 PM #2 Kraden Grandmaster Biriel said: Hi peeps, I just started alchemy and i'm wondering where I can sell my pots ? The alchemist npc in Britain doesn't want them ... Click to expand... Get Carpentry I think to make empty Kegs - fill kegs and sell kegs on a vendor to other players.
Biriel said: Hi peeps, I just started alchemy and i'm wondering where I can sell my pots ? The alchemist npc in Britain doesn't want them ... Click to expand... Get Carpentry I think to make empty Kegs - fill kegs and sell kegs on a vendor to other players.
Wednesday at 11:59 PM #3 B Biriel Neophyte OK thanks for the reply ... I have GM Carpentry on the same toon so should be simply enough